2022 VBS registration

Our VBS will run June13-17 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

The registration period begins May 16th and runs through June 10th.

There will be a $15 fee, per child.  If you wish to pay on-line, please use the following link:

First Baptist Church of Wellington | Online Giving (cloversites.com)

  • Registration - kindergarten

    Click on (or scan) the adjacent QR code to open the registration form.

    Registration fee is $15 per child and class size is limited to 15 students.

    Students for this class must have completed the Kindergarten grade this past school year.

  • Registration - first & second grade

    Click on (or scan) the adjacent QR code to open the registration form.

    Registration fee is $15 per child and class size is limited to 15 students.

    Students for this class must have completed First or Second Grade this past school year.

  • REgistraton - third & Fourth grade

    Click on (or scan) the adjacent QR code to open the registration form.

    Registration fee is $15 per child and class size is limited to 15 students.

    Students for this class must have completed the Third or Fourth Grade this past school year.

  • registration - fifth grade

    Click on (or scan) the adjacent QR code to open the registration form.

    Registration fee is $15 per child and class size is limited to 15 students.

    Students for this class must have completed the Fifth Grade this past school year.